Analysis of Shooting Preliminary Task
The first thing we did as a group when shooting our task was to get the camera in the right position for our first shot. This was made very easy and saved us time by using the sheet we had already planned out all of shots previously. We then followed the planning sheet and tried replicate the first shot like drawn on the planning sheet. This was done very easily and saved us time having to find a place of our first shot and whether we liked it or not. After we had the camera set up we took the shot a couple of times so that when it came to the editing stage we had plenty of shots to pick from so we could use our favorite one. After shooting the first camera angle when then moved to our second shot. This was again easy as we just replicated what was already planned on the sheet. When then did this for all of the shots in the Preliminary task. Again following the storyboard with each of our shots on. Sometime we changed the shot only slightly, by this I mean the height of the shot. For example we had a wide shot at normal height, after setting it up we decided it did not look as good as we thought it would look. When the lowered the camera to shoot a low angle shot which looked a lot better and we were more satisfied with it. Every other shot that we took was fine and we had no problems shooting the clips.
When we were shooting the clips a hard thing that we tried to over come was the lighting. We wanted our final product to have a dark feel to it and very mysterious feel which would be created by little lighting. We tried to set up only one light so that you could only just about make out the scene and the characters expressions. One light was used and we thought it looked good so we kept it. Although we liked having the shots dark this proved a problem at some points as the shots were to dark at times, making it hard to see what was actually going on. When we noticed this we tried to add more light to the scene making the shot easy to view when we reviewed it back. This was the only major problem we faced when shooting the Preliminary Task. About from the small problem we had, everything else went very smoothly. I base this down to good planning before we shot so we knew to do when it came to shooting the whole thing.
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