Wednesday, 3 December 2014

1. Preliminary - Planning

Planning of the Preliminary Task

For the first part of the planning we had to work out the camera shots that we wanted to use. We did this by using a storyboard system which is displayed below. On this sheet we planned out in order of the shots we were going to use and what our clip was going to be about. We then carefully picked out the camera shots that we were going to use, as we knew this would be important to give our clip the edge on uniqueness. Planning out the individual shots was a great idea as when it came to shooting the clip we had all of the shots set out and we knew what to do. This meant that we saved time and we were able to shoot all of the clips in the time given not going over the time set. Planning the shots out on a storyboard helped also by determining how the final piece was going to look. It helped as well as some of the boxes have been crossed out, this was due to us not liking the certain shot so we just got rid of it. This helped when coming to the editing process as we had enough clips and we had the clips that we wanted, instead of unnecessary clips that we did not like.


After we had planned out the shots that were going to be used we set about to write out the script that the characters were going to say. We did this by writing down the characters names and then words that the character was going to say horizontal to the name. This made it easy to follow and clear. In our clip we decided to go for minimal speech as we wanted the atmosphere of the clip to be very dark. This was achieved by little speech. Any dialogue that was said we made sure that they were not just a average conversational dialogue. We wanted it to seem like something had happened previously between the two characters which would get the audience thinking on what might of happened to add suspicion. The dialogue between the two characters was not meant to flow not a normal conversation, were a question would be answered. Instead Tommy said,'Toni?'. Which was answered by Toni saying,'I've been away awhile'. This is clearly not a answer to the question that Tommy implied. We did this to show that and suggest that Toni was not there for a friendly conversation with Tommy, instead Toni was there to enforce a threat which was later fulfilled in the finished clip.

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