Sunday, 16 November 2014

C. Lost Highway Research Task

The only camera shot that is used is a wide shot. This is used to show the road. The only thing that is in the camera shot is the road which is only partly visible to show the closer end of the road as it moves. The road moves to simulate us the viewer, moving along the road quickly.
The sound plays a key role in the opening credits of this film as the opening does not really have much in it so the sound is one of the main things in it. The music that is used in the opening credits is fast paced and includes a fast drum beat, string instrument, a piano and male singer. The fast paced music that is used fits the picture perfectly as the the picture is a road moving quickly which is matched with the music which has a fast tempo to it. This could also suggest that the film may have something to do with a chase and could include some sort of crime as car chase is suggested by the fast paced music and picture. Apart from the music there is no more real sound apart from this.
There is very little editing in this opening credits. The only real obvious editing done is the title credits that come up on the screen. The title credits are edited so that they fly onto the screen as if the camera drove into them on the road. This quite a neat affect and goes well with the whole theme of it. The text flying onto the screen helps to suggest what the film might be about, with the car chase being a possibility. This is the only real editing in the opening credits.
The lighting in the opening credits suggests that the film might be some sort of thriller. This is suggested as thrillers tend to have little lighting and this is performed in the opening sequence of Lost Highway. Also the little lighting that is in the opening credits is blue lights which are pointed towards the road, This may suggest that they are police lights and this then again emphasizes the fact that it might be a car chase.
The scene is only the road in the opening credits. This may suggest that the film may have a big role in car chases or police chases. This is all suggested through the road and the lights projected onto the road.

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