Saturday, 22 November 2014

2. Narrative


I chose to pick the first idea on my mind map, which was Murder/Crime scene. (Circled on Picture)                                         
I went for this idea as I felt that I could develop the idea that I had for it very well and end up producing a very professional looking opening to a thriller. The idea I chose was the one that was going to include a crime scene in the very beginning and also a murder. I wanted to really bring in the audience with beginning of the thriller to make then want to see more making it very appealing for the audience to watch. This is done with the idea that I have chosen.

At the beginning I wanted to be a unusual character stood on scene with a knife or gun. The character did not have to be complete convincing of a killer as I was planning on making the first ten seconds of this heavily edited to create the feel of a murder. This would then cut out and go straight to, two average boys getting ready to go and have a kick around the local housing area. They were then going to make their way down to some garages to use a goal and have a kick about together where the ball would be miss kicked down the road slightly. This is then when the two characters go to collect the ball they then discover a dead body. This is the body of the murder that is displayed in the first ten seconds of the thriller. This is a brief summary of my final idea.

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