Monday, 24 November 2014

4. Location recce shots

Location Recce Shots

Location was essential for my thriller opening sequence. The locations needed to create suspense and fit the story line of being scary. I set about doing this by having the first location as some abandoned garages. This location would be used in the first 10 seconds of the thriller and then later would be used for other shots. The garages would serve as a good setting as it really creates suspense with its run down look. I felt this would also be the most probable place for a murder scene to take place without the thriller being that of too unrealistic.


The only other location that I needed for my thriller was a house to shoot the first part. I used my own home for the first part of the thriller task. I felt using my home would be the perfect location as it portrayed the innocence of the two boys and the background which they come from of being part of a family. The home would also play a role in the beginning for the two boys to be shown preparing to go out and play football.

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