Throughout the whole of the opening credits the only camera shots used were close up shots. The close up shots included pictures of people maybe criminals and also pages of written information. The close up shots of these props helped to emphasize and suggest what the movie is going to be about. With the the criminal mugshots and pages of information it suggests that the film is going to be a crime thriller. The close ups are also crucial to the opening credits as it helps to suggest what the movie is about and also makes the viewer really focus on the detail.
Sound plays a massive part in the opening credits for se7en. The sound effects that are used help to give the movie a mysterious unusual feel to the movie before it even starts, this helps to set the scene for the rest of the film. The sounds used are screeching, radio tuning and supernatural sounds. All of these sounds really help to suggest what the movie is about and gives the uneasy feel that they want to give before the movie starts. The laughter of a child really helps to suggest and emphasize what the movie will include and gives the thriller feel to it. The music playing throughout the opening credits is a very heavy bass beat that continues with the slight wining sound effect to go along with it. This combined with the sound effects really gives the opening credits a creepy and scary feeling to it. The sounds used are really alien like giving it a real thriller feel to it. Nearer to the end of the opening credits the speed of everything slightly speeds up, this creates tension as it gives the feeling of something is about to happen and then it is all gone in seconds when the sound stops and it goes straight into the film.
Editing again plays a massive part in this opening credits to se7en. The editing is very well done at show casing the thriller feel to a film that is needed. The fast straight cuts and distorted images really help to create a thriller like look. Image distortion really emphasizes the weird things that may occur ahead in the film. The red banner that flashes on to the screen gives it the feeling of murder as the colour red is associated with blood. The scratch marks on the screen that appear every now and then really give the consensus of murder and death when it is put along side all of the other things that flash on the screen. The fast straight cuts keep the opening credits moving quickly suggesting sudden situations that will be sprung upon the viewer later on in the film. The dissolving of images into each other also help to showcase the things to happen later on and it is all done quickly to really give a thriller feel to the whole thing.
The little lighting that is used helps to give the opening credits the thriller feel and also creates tension. The clips that are used in the opening credits are very dark and sometimes do have light in but only from a lamp. This creates tension with the dark imagery and with the props that are included, makes the props and lighting fit really well together. The props used in the opening credits are sheets of information, razor, mugshots and ink pens. All of these props play a key part in suggesting to the viewer what the film is going to be about. They are all linked to crime as the reports would be the sheets that are in the opening credits. The ink pen would be the pen which would be used to write the police reports. The razor suggests the death and danger that is going to be ahead later in the film. The mugshots suggest the criminal activity and the crime ahead. All of these props as you can see fit together very well to create the image of a crime thriller.
The Titles used in the credits:
- New line cinema presents
- An Arnold Kopelson Production
- A film by
- Se7en
- Casting By
- Music by
- Costumes Designed By
- Edited by
- Production Designed by
- Director of Photography
- Co-Producers
- Co-Executive Producers
- Executive Producers
- Written by
- Produced by
- Directed by
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